Shop It To Me Sale Mail Alerts

If you haven’t already heard of Shop It To Me, let me enlighten you. You sign-up for free, select the items you’re looking for — from brands, stores and sizes (for women, men and kids too), and then they’ll send you daily Sale Mail alerts to your inbox with items on sale that match your list. It’s that simple.

You pick what you want, in the sizes you need, and get the links to buy it when it’s on sale. Keeps you disciplined for shopping sales only, and away from those sales racks where you end up spending more than you saved! It’s a practical and thrifty service that allows you to save money so you can stash more cash in your gambling kitty!

Plus, if you have a blog or website, you can put up an invite link and for every 10 people who sign up for Shop It To Me you’ll get a $10 gift card! (And, yes, you can select which store card you’d like.) Don’t worry, if you don’t have a website, you can still earn gift cards for making referrals; once you register, you’ll get a special invite link to email friends and family — and any time you log in you can generate an email invite too.

You can then use those gift cards to purchase more sale items — maybe even getting the fashions you and your family need for free!

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