Bad Changes In Las Vegas

There have been two big changes in Las Vegas since my first trip there… And I don’t particularly care for either of them.

First of all, the food used to be incredibly cheap in Vegas. Not quite as fab as free drinks, but pretty darn close… Especially the all-you-can-eat buffets. Now, food had become much more expensive — making me far less inclined to leave the tables and at properly. Perhaps that’s the goal. But it only makes me head upstairs to lay down for a bit and then go eat; a much longer leave than had I just left to eat like a regular human.

I still highly recommend the classic buffet at the Flamingo. But there’s still plenty of other nationwide restaurant and fast food options outside the casino doors. Which, if you’re listening, casinos, only takes me further away from the gambling. So bring back the cheaper food, will ya?

The other irritating thing that’s changed in Vegas over the years is the “family friendly” BS. Who on earth thought it was a good idea for kids to come along to Las Vegas?

Sure, there’s other stuff to see and do there, but why incorporate things for children inside casino hotels? The kids can’t be in the casinos, adults don’t want them there — or at the buffets, either. Vegas was once a getaway for grown-ups and now there’s too-much of a focus on entertaining children.

I kinda feel sorry for the parents who have kids along, what with their changing shifts at the tables to trade off child care duties or must pay the incredible fees for on site daycare for their kids so that the adults can be together in the casinos and night clubs. But then I remember those parents are the idiots who brought their children along, kidding themselves it would be fun — and who are stupid enough to entrust their children to day care centers and staff they don’t know.

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